Wednesday 28 March 2012

Letter to Local Residence and Streatham Council

We emailed the local council about our late night filming in the woods of The Rookery in Streatham just to warn them about our late night screaming. We also posted little leaflets into the letterboxes of residents who lived extremely close to our filming location. This is a copy of the text in our email:

We are AS level media students at Graveney School, and we identified The Rookery as the place we wanted to shoot our film. However, we would have to be there after sunset, so we wanted to make sure you were aware we were there. Our film involves big lights, and scenes with screaming and people running. This was just to warn you in case anyone was concerned. We are also writing notes to hand through people’s doors that live around the area to warn them.
Joely Holder, Maria Kakoulli, Louise Fisher, Jake Lovelace

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